So what is the Robot Crowd


Robot Crowd is a series of projects to engage MBA and entrepreneurship and innovation management students at the University of Canberra with futuristic technology and the 4th Industrial Revolution. 

If you are a student or staff member at the University of Canberra the words “Robot Crowd” might have wiggled their way into your subconscious.

If you get your coffee at our beloved Mizzuna’s Café you might have seen the cardboard robot waving at you as you leave the cafe.

If you are in the Business Government and Law (BGL) Facility you probably know Entrepreneur and Innovation Lecturer Diane Phillips and in that case there is no way you haven’t heard of the Robot Crowd. But I doubt you realize the importance of what the Robot Crowd is trying to achieve for our university.

The Robot Crowd is a series of WIL projects being undertaken by MBA and Entrepreneur and Innovation business students who are interested in the gap between humans and artificial intelligence.  The goal of the Robot Crowd is to prepare and familiarize students with innovation and robotic technology that will likely revolutionize human life as we know it in the foreseeable future. The Robot Crowd business students plan to purchase a NAO Robot (see link) so that students in the BGL faculty will have the same opportunities, as students studying sciences, to interact, understand and accept robotics as apart everyday life. Each page tab will have informaiton about the range of 2018 projects. They range from social enterprise projects like Rock's Cool at the University of Canberra Kick- Start program for up and coming musicians, UC drone project, Philopsohy Cafe, 3D printing and Crowd Funding to name a few. 


By having access to this kind of technology not only are the students at the University of Canberra getting an upper hand in their learning experiences and confidence for the future, but the University of Canberra will be seen as a leader in innovation and innovative learning that the rest of the world will follow. Because a new kind of innovation revolution is coming and it’s not just the latest iPhone. Automation is real and it’s here and we need to know about it. Because it is us, the students of 2017 and all the students after us, that will be affected by it.

Ziggy NAO 2018 Projects